Створення власного debian пакету

Ця інструкція про створення та інсталяцію власного debian пакету



AlphaHPe (formerly HP, Compaq, Digital)Unofficial
ArmHundredsDeadNetWinder, NSLU2, …
ArmelHundredsSupportedQNAP, ?SheevaPlug, Raspberry Pi 1
armhfHundredsSupportedArm v7 32-bit systems; for kernel support see DebianKernel/ARMMP
arm64HundredsSupportedArm v8 64-bit systems
hppaHPe (formerly HP)UnofficialHP Precision Architecture
i386Intel, AMD, Cyrix, NSC, Transmeta, VIASupportedThe original x86 platform. Now requires “686” class CPU.
amd64AMD, Intel, VIASupportedalso known as em64t or x86-64.
ia64Intel, HPeDeadItanium (not Intel Core series)
m68kFreescale (formerly Motorola)UnofficialAmiga, !AtariST, very old Macintoshes, some old Sun hardware (sun3)
mipsCavium, Wave Computing (formerly Imagination, MIPS)DeadBig-endian 32-bit
mipselCavium, Loongson, Wave Computing (formerly Imagination, MIPS)DeadLittle-endian 32-bit
mips64elCavium, Loongson, Wave Computing (formerly Imagination, MIPS)SupportedLittle-endian 64-bit
PowerPCIBM, Freescale (formerly Motorola)UnofficialOld Macintoshes
PowerSPEIBM, Freescale (formerly Motorola)DeadIBM “e500” cores
PPC64IBM, Freescale (formerly Motorola)UnofficialOld Macintoshes, IBM POWER systems
ppc64elIBMSupportedPOWER8, POWER9 systems
riscv64?SiFive, etc.Unofficial
s390IBMDeadBigIron - IBM mainframe platform
s390xIBMSupportedNewer BigIron - IBM mainframe platform
SH4Renesas (formerly Hitachi)Unofficial
sparc64Sun, Fujitsu, etc.Unofficial
x32AMD, Intel, VIAUnofficial32-bit ABI using x86-64 (amd64) ISA.


hurd-i386see TheHurdUnofficialNot a hardware platform
hurd-amd64see TheHurdUnofficialNot a hardware platform
netbsd-i386NetBSD kernelDeadNot a hardware platform
netbsd-alphaNetBSD kernelDeadNot a hardware platform
kfreebsd-i386FreeBSD kernelDeadNot a hardware platform
kfreebsd-amd64FreeBSD kernelDeadNot a hardware platform
└── mypackage_1.0_all                   # Package main folder
    ├── DEBIAN
    │   ├── control                     # File with package's main info
    │   ├── postinst                    # Script executing after the install
    │   └── preinst                     # Script executing before the install
    ├── opt
    │   └── mypackage                   # Folder including our software
    │       └── open_link.sh            # Script opening browser to ubuntu.com
    └── usr
        └── share
            ├── applications
            │   └── mypackage.desktop   # File with app info in launcher
            └── icons
                └── mypackage.xpm       # Launcher app icon


dpkg-deb --build ./mypackage_1.0_all


sudo gdebi -n ./mypackage_1.0_all.deb # test (requires gdebi-core)
sudo dpkg -i ./mypackage_1.0_all.deb # install


sudo apt autoremove mypackage